The gorgeous little blonde girl was criminally young, but that had not prevented the NYC sadists from abusing her and using her for all she was worth. She had been bound right there on the stage of the sex club, bound in a horribly contorted position, and she had whipped until she could no longer hold in her screams. She wore a ring through her nipple. There was a brand on her right buttock, a brand burned right into her flesh by her master. She was a head of cattle. Now she was going to be used by three well-hung studs at the same time. One was to fuck her pussy, until her cunt felt ready to turn inside out. The second would fuck her tight little asshole and the third would shove his dick all the way down her choking gullet. They would cause her more agony and they knew she would love it!
Format file: mp3
Size archive: 193 mb
Duration: 210 min.