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Alt 04-30-2023, 11:43 AM   #1
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Üyelik tarihi: Dec 2022
Mesajlar: 102.224
Standart Twink gay , Raw Cam vol.7 Mount Solon - Hardegarijp

Raw Cam vol.7 Mount Solon

Release Year: 2012
Studio: KO Company, Secret Film
Genres: Asian, Twinks, Anal/Oral Sex, Threesome, Rimming, Fingering, Toy, Masturbation, Cumshot
***30330;***24773;***12375;***12383;***23569;***24 180;***36948;***12364;***28139;***12425;***12395;* **20081;***12428;***12427;***23494;***23460;***303 30;***24773;***27770;***23450;***29256;***65281;
***12354;***12425;***12422;***12427;***35282;***24 230;***12363;***12425;***26412;***27671;***12514;* **12540;***12489;***12398;***30196;***24907;***124 34;***22823;***22679;***37327;150***20998;***23494 ;***30528;***25774;***65281;
***32654;***23611;***29359;?***29246;***33215;***3 5029;***12394;?***39472;***12398;***26032;***21566 ;***12364;***29983;***25774;***12426;***12395;***3 0331;***22580;***65281;
***12365;***12417;***32048;***12363;***12356;***27 973;***40658;***32908;***12398;***12459;***12521;* **12480;***12399;***24863;***12376;***12420;***123 77;***12367;***12289;***20083;***39318;***12434;** *35302;***12425;***12428;***12383;***12384;***1236 9;***12391;***12501;***12523;***21187;***36215;*** 65281;
***31934;***24717;***12394;***38996;***12364;***24 464;***12293;***12395;***12456;***12525;***12514;* **12540;***12489;***12398;***27442;***12375;***123 64;***12427;***38996;***12408;***12392;***22793;** *12431;***12387;***12390;***12422;***12367;…***122 90;
***21822;***28082;***22402;***12425;***12375;***12 394;***12364;***12425;***12398;***12501;***12455;* **12521;***38996;***12399;***28608;***12456;***125 25;***65281;
***39080;***21570;***22580;***12395;***31227;***12 387;***12390;***12496;***12483;***12463;***12363;* **12425;***12460;***12531;***25496;***12425;***124 28;***12427;***65281;
***12302;***12381;***12435;***12394;***12395;***31 361;***12363;***12428;***12383;***12425;***27515;* **12435;***12376;***12419;***12358;…***65281;***12 303;
***12503;***12522;***12483;***12503;***12522;***12 398;***32654;***23611;***12392;***32654;***24418;* **36942;***12366;***12427;***12381;***12398;***314 61;***38996;***12391;***20154;***27671;***12398;** *32724;***22826;***12364;***23494;***23460;***1239 1;***26412;***27671;***65281;
***12459;***12513;***12521;***12510;***12531;***19 981;***22312;***12398;***31354;***38291;***12395;* **12356;***12388;***12418;***12424;***12426;***228 23;***32966;***12395;***12394;***12387;***12383;** *32724;***22826;***12399;***12461;***12473;***1238 4;***12369;***12499;***12531;***12499;***12531;*** 65281;
***22519;***25303;***12394;***12450;***12490;***12 523;***33296;***12417;***12395;***36523;***24758;* **12360;***12375;***12394;***12364;***12425;***248 63;***12376;***12414;***12367;***12387;***12390;** *12375;***12414;***12358;…***12290;
***12302;***12418;***12387;***12392;…***12418;***1 2387;***12392;***12481;***12531;***12509;***12367; ***12384;***12373;***12356;…***12290;***12303;
***21021;***30331;***22580;***12398;***12472;***12 515;***12491;***31995;***12514;***12487;***12523;* **12539;***28023;***37324;***12399;***26681;***123 87;***12363;***12425;***12398;***22825;***28982;** *28139;***20081;***20307;***36074;***65281;
***12471;***12515;***12527;***12540;***21069;***12 395;***21363;***23610;***12375;***12394;***12364;* **12425;***12302;***12418;***12387;***12392;***332 96;***12417;***12383;***12356;***12303;***12302;** *12362;***12387;***12365;***12356;***12398;***2282 3;***22909;***12365;***12303;***12392;***28139;*** 35486;***36899;***30330;***65281;
***12302;***12417;***12387;***12385;***12419;***24 863;***12376;***12427;***12303;***12392;***12356;* **12358;***12450;***12490;***12523;***12395;***254 07;***20837;***12377;***12427;***12392;***12414;** *12373;***12363;***12398;***22823;***37327;***2852 6;***21561;***12365;***65281;
***39438;***20055;***20301;***12391;***33136;***25 391;***12426;***12394;***12364;***12425;***12392;* **12417;***12393;***12394;***12367;***28322;***124 28;***12427;***28526;***12391;***12505;***12483;** *12489;***12364;***12464;***12483;***12471;***1251 9;***12464;***12471;***12519;***12395;…***65281;
***12302;***12418;***12387;***12392;***29359;***12 375;***12390;…***12418;***12387;***12392;***12362; ***12363;***12375;***12367;***12373;***12379;***12 390;…***65281;***12303;
***12354;***12398;***26149;***20154;***12364;***33 394;***30333;***12473;***12472;***31563;***12398;* **12456;***12525;***12356;***12459;***12521;***124 80;***12434;***12367;***12397;***12425;***12379;** *12394;***12364;***12425;***12289;***25935;***2486 3;***12377;***12366;***12427;***12481;***12531;*** 12509;***12434;***25915;***12417;***31435;***12390 ;***12425;***12428;***12390;***32118;***21483;***1 2395;***36817;***12356;***21912;***12366;***22768; ***12391;***30330;***24773;***12514;***12540;***12 489;***20840;***38283;***65281;
***36010;***12427;***12424;***12358;***12395;***12 481;***12531;***12509;***12395;***21936;***12425;* **12356;***12388;***12365;***12289;***12460;***125 31;***25496;***12426;***12373;***12428;***12427;** *12392;***12381;***12398;***22768;***12399;***1237 3;***12425;***12395;***22823;***12365;***12367;*** 12394;***12426;***12289;***23494;***23460;***12395 ;***38911;***12365;***28193;***12427;…***12290;
***12302;***12418;***12358;***28961;***29702;…***3 8957;***12362;***12363;***12375;***12367;***12394; ***12387;***12385;***12419;***12358;***65281;***12 303;
***27735;***12392;***28526;***12391;***20840;***36 523;***12505;***12483;***12488;***12505;***12488;* **65281;
***20307;***28082;***20132;***12431;***12427;***36 942;***21435;***26368;***39640;***12398;***28611;* **21402;***28139;***20081;***20132;***23614;***123 64;***32368;***12426;***24195;***12370;***12425;** *12428;***12427;***65281;
Format: avi
Duration: 2:41:52
Video: 640x368, XviD, 1553kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 2.0 GB


Athletes Anal's Missile Shots West Wyalong

Release Year: 2008
Studio: Bravo!
Genres: Asian, Twinks, Oral/Anal Sex, Group, Toy, Masturbation, Cumshot
***12467;***12452;***12484;***12425;***27671;***12 364;***29378;***12387;***12390;***12420;***12364;* **12427;***65281; ***20840;***21729;***12364;***28796;***29105;***20 132;***23614;***12395;***32118;***21483;***65281; ***22766;***32118;***36899;***32080;***12454;***12 490;***12462;***35519;***25945;***12398;16***20154 ;***12468;***12540;***12464;***12523;***20081;***2 0132; ***28145;***22812;***20844;***22290;***20840;***35 064;***65286;***12487;***12459;***12510;***12521;* **21516;***26178;***23556;***31934;***12398;***123 02; 02***12303;***12418;***21454;***37682;***65281; ***20932;***12356;***65281;16***26412;***12398;*** 12481;***12531;***12509;***12363;***12425;***12289 ;***27425;***12293;***12392;***12470;***12540;***1 2513;***12531;***12364;…***22766;***32118;***20081 ;***20132;***27770;***23450;***29256;***65281; ***12480;***12502;***12523;***12465;***12484;***20 132;***23614;***65281; ***12480;***12502;***12523;***12501;***12455;***12 521; ***29694;***24441;***22823;***23398;***29983;***12 398;***12450;***12490;***12523;***12434;***12356;* **12376;***12426;***20498;***12379;***65281; ***30007;***21021;***20307;***39443;***12394;***12 398;***12395;***12289;***22826;***12481;***12531;* **12509;***12399;***12499;***12531;***12499;***125 31;***65281; ***12465;***12484;***12510;***12531;***12511;***12 469;***12452;***12523;***35013;***22635;***65281;* **12424;***12540;***12356;***65281;***30330;***235 56;***12379;***12424;***65281; ***12417;***12426;***12417;***12426;… ***12496;***12461;***12517;***12540;***12531;***65 281; ***12393;***12358;***12375;***12383;***12425;***12 356;***12356;***12377;***12363;***65311; ***12454;***12490;***12462;***35519;***25945;***12 364;***12474;***12468;***12356;***65281;16***20154 ;***12468;***12540;***12464;***12523;***20081;***2 0132;***65281; 6***12388;***12398;***32923;***38272;***12364;***1 2289;***21516;***26178;***12395;***12454;***12490; ***12462;***12391;***36899;***32080;***65281;***22 766;***32118;***20132;***23614;***12399;***20840;* **12390;***12364;***12463;***12521;***12452;***125 10;***12483;***12463;***12473;***65281; ***12371;***12356;***12388;***12425;***12289;***27 671;***12364;***29378;***12387;***12390;***12420;* **12364;***12427;!! ***35504;***12395;***12418;***27490;***12417;***12 425;***12428;***12394;***12356;… ***29305;***21029;***21454;***37682; 02 ***32032;***20154;***12522;***12450;***12523;***12 300;***12495;***12483;***12486;***12531;***12301;* **12471;***12522;***12540;***12474; ***12487;***12459;***12356;***12387;***12377;***12 424;***65281; ***26377;***21517;***12495;***12483;***12486;***12 531;***20844;***22290;***65281; ***21516;***26178;***12395;***12452;***12465;***65 281;
Format: avi
Duration: 2:20:47
Video: 688x384, XviD, 1422kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.6 GB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: Athletes Anal's Missile Shots

JockBreeders - Jordan Starr and Zack Dean Greendale

Release Year: 2023
Studio: JockBreeders
Cast: Jordan Starr and Zack Dean
Genres: Age, Bareback, Anal Sex, Big Dicks, Twinks, Oral Sex, Blowjobs
Tall and beefy stud Jordan Starr and muscle hunk Zack Dean are two big bros who can't wait to work each other over! They strip each other down to their jockstraps fast. Jordan tongues Zack's muscular ass, squeezing his cheeks as his tongue slides in and out of Zack’s hungry hole, getting it wet and ready for his dick…
Format: mp4
Duration: 23:43
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 7897kbps
Audio: 136kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: JockBreeders - Jordan Starr and Zack Dean

Twink With Massive Cock Submits to Matt and Dick Haedo

Video language: English
A selection of clips featuring mattanddick , for the period of 2021
Format: mp4
Duration: 19:13
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 1160kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 186.5 MB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: Twink With Massive Cock Submits to Matt and Dick

Bareback * Brutal Whitelaw

Release Year: 2009
Studio: AWTvideo, OTB
Genres: Anal, Oral Sex, Bareback, Twinks, Pissing, Group
Hot stuff with 8 super cute Latin teen ( 18 +) boys in hard bareback, piss, cum eating and bareback action!! In the first scene two teen boys piss of hung daddy who punishes them by .... pissing all over them, making them piss on eachother and then bareback fuck eachother before he bareback fucks them and dumps cum in their faces!! Later in the dvd a super cute 18 year old pale skinned boy is seduced by another gorgeous 18 year old with a sex crew cut .. after mutual blowjobs, crew cut bends the sexy pale skinned boy over and rims out his asshole, then fingers his tight little asshole, pushing one, two fingers up there finally squeezing virtually his whole hand up the 18 year olds ass! Crew cut then gives pale boy a fabulous and sexy bareback fuck before the lads dump huge loads of boy semen into eachothers mouths! In another scene a lad is seduced by a young workmate in an office .. and takes his 10 inch cock up his arse bareback before mutual cum gobbling!! Later two absolute cuties, both with big cocks, do hot and mutual bareback fucking and cum eating: this is an excellent film with not soft cock in site, very hard barebcak anal, great fingering (looks like a hand up there in a couple of scenes!!) and rimming and spectacular cum eating in every scene ... very rmended!
Format: avi
Duration: 2:11:49
Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1968kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 2.0 GB


HelixStudios - Kyle Ross * Shane Cook 1080p Little Compton

Spend some time chinnin' with Helix hotties Cameron Parks, Kyle Ross and Shane Cook as the guys hit the town. Twink superstar Kyle is hitting it off with man candy Cook. Being the good wingman he is, Cameron catches on and gets to Grinding on his phone then slips out to let his boys play. Shane is a big beefcake, mountain of a man from Missouri that our pretty blond boy can't wait to climb. Once on his knees Kyle finds out fast that Cook's cock is just as impressive as the rest of him. Ross works the beer can thick dick like a kid on Christmas morning, unwrapping the uncut monster with wide eyed wonder and quickly getting to work. Shane slaps his ballooned up bone onto Kyle's wet, waiting tongue. The pretty boy opens wide but still can't fit the entire fat phallus inside, but Kyle is no quitter! This is a gold star suck job if we've ever seen one! Shane strips his boy, bends him over, slaps his ass and gets to eating. Ross's ripe plum is begging to be plucked and Cook enjoys every bite of butt before sliding his super sized schlong between the twink's tight cheeks. Kyle tells our Adonis to go slow for a sec, but soon his dick pig spirit kicks in and he's getting slammed like a screen door in a wind storm! Both boys are gifted at each end and the cock cam catches every inch from underneath as Shane's muscle ass works with his wide willie to pummel Kyle's smooth sphincter. The perfect pair switch it up and Kyle gets to ride the hot hunk along with a sexy, side splitting position before tossing his legs in the air and really opening up. He jacks his rock hard jock as beer can boy bangs his beautiful butt causing Kyle to blast cum onto his smooth six pack. Cook jumps up and jams his giant Johnson in Kyle's cock hungry open mouth. Shane braces his big muscle body with a hand on the kid's neck as he squirts an unbelievable amount of nut onto pretty boy's perfect face! Ross still looks gorgeous as hell coughing on cum and gagging on his guy's girthy groin. Kyle won't let Cook's cock loose, he just keeps on slurping. This here is why Ross is a twink superstar and Cook, with that massive member of his is THE newest super sized superstar AND the true definition of *quot;bigger is better!*quot;
Format: mp4
Duration: 26:16
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 4881kbps
Audio: 184kbps

File size: 975.2 MB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: HelixStudios - Kyle Ross * Shane Cook 1080p

Bijirihan vol.9 Masury

Release Year: 2013
Studio: KO Company, Secret Film
Genres: Asian, Twinks, Oral/Anal Sex, Masturbation, Duet, Threesome, Rimming, Fingering, Toy, Cumshot
***29359;***12426;***12383;***12356;***32654;***23 611;***32654;***23569;***24180;***12364;***19968;* **25369;***38598;***32080;***65281;
***23567;***23611;***12539;***26580;***23611;***12 539;***28139;***12425;***23611;…***12290;***36984; ***12426;***25244;***12365;***32654;***23611;***12 398;***26356;***12395;***22885;***12414;***12391;* **12474;***12540;***12512;***12452;***12531;***652 81;
***20170;***22238;***12364;***12487;***12499;***12 517;***12540;***12392;***12394;***12427;***32043;* **29787;***12290;
***24962;***12356;***12434;***21547;***12435;***12 384;***36229;***32118;***32654;***24418;***12364;* **23611;***12434;***12356;***12376;***12425;***124 28;***12427;***24230;***12395;***33398;***12417;** *12363;***12375;***12367;***27498;***12416;…***122 90;
***24373;***12426;***12398;***12354;***12427;***36 229;***32654;***23611;***12398;***22885;***12414;* **12391;***19968;***27671;***12395;***36011;***123 67;***12392;***12289;***12489;***23646;***24615;** *12398;***32043;***29787;***12399;***29702;***2461 5;***21561;***12387;***39131;***12403;***21912;*** 12366;***12414;***12367;***12387;***12390;***12375 ;***12414;***12358;***65281;
***12302;***12362;***39000;***12356;***12384;***12 363;***12425;***26412;***29289;***12434;***12367;* **12384;***12373;***12356;…***12303;
***12381;***12398;***12456;***12525;***12373;***12 391;***20154;***27671;***24613;***19978;***26119;* **20013;***12398;***40845;***22826;***12364;***326 54;***23611;***29359;***12395;***30331;***22580;** *65281;
***25545;***12415;***24540;***12360;***12398;***12 354;***12427;***26580;***12425;***12363;***12356;* **36074;***24863;***12398;***32654;***23611;***123 99;***24863;***24230;***25244;***32676;***65281;
***12496;***12452;***12502;***12434;***31361;***12 387;***36796;***12414;***12428;***12383;***12414;* **12414;***12487;***12459;***12510;***12521;***123 63;***12425;***20808;***36208;***12426;***12434;** *22402;***12428;***27969;***12375;***12289;***2540 7;***20837;***12434;***12379;***12364;***12416;…** *12290;
***12373;***12425;***12395;***12461;***12517;***12 483;***12392;***19978;***12364;***12387;***12383;* **33394;***30333;***23567;***32654;***23611;***123 92;***12450;***12452;***12489;***12523;***38996;** *36000;***12369;***12398;***12523;***12483;***1246 3;***12473;***12398;***26032;***20154;***12539;*** 32681;***20154;***12364;***12487;***12499;***12517 ;***12540;***65281;
***12503;***12522;***12483;***12503;***12522;***12 398;***26410;***38283;***30330;***12394;***32654;* **23611;***12399;***23569;***12375;***12398;***210 50;***28608;***12395;***28608;***12375;***12367;** *21453;***24540;***65281;
***12406;***12387;***12392;***12356;***12481;***12 531;***12509;***12391;***29359;***12373;***12428;* **12427;***12392;***12289;***24754;***40180;***123 95;***12418;***20284;***12383;***33510;***12375;** *12370;***12394;***22768;***12434;***28431;***1242 5;***12375;***12390;***12375;***12414;***12358;…** *12290;
***32654;***30333;***12539;***32654;***32908;***12 398;***20154;***27671;***12514;***12487;***12523;* **12539;***20426;***22826;***12398;***24341;***123 65;***32224;***12414;***12387;***12383;***23567;** *23611;***12434;***25545;***12415;***20498;***1237 7;***65281;
***12450;***12490;***12523;***12395;***12496;***12 452;***12502;***12434;***25407;***20837;***12373;* **12428;***12383;***12414;***12414;***12289;***199 78;***27671;***12375;***12383;***34920;***24773;** *12391;***12481;***12531;***12509;***12434;***1237 5;***12419;***12406;***12426;***12414;***12367;*** 12427;***20426;***22826;***12290;
***27442;***24773;***12364;***12414;***12391;***39 640;***12414;***12387;***12383;***12392;***12371;* **12429;***12391;***19968;***27671;***12395;***254 07;***20837;***65281;
***24754;***40180;***12434;***19978;***12370;***12 390;***12418;***23481;***36198;***12394;***12356;* **12510;***12483;***12495;***12500;***12473;***124 88;***12531;***65281;
Format: mp4
Duration: 2:02:30
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2120kbps
Audio: 106kbps

File size: 2.0 GB


Brian Harper - Faster Deeper Harder Dalian

Studio: YouLoveJack
Cast: Brian Harper
Genres: Cumshot, Masturbation, Twinks, Muscle
This sporty bottom can't get fucked enough. The second his fingers slip inside his asshole he starts moaning so loud I thought the neighbors where going to complain!
He strips off his clothes and shows off his perfect 7 inch pecker before pulling his legs up and driving his fingers deep inside his asshole. He moans and groans as he punishes his gaping hole and the action doesn't stop until he's licking his load off his beautiful six pack!
Format: mp4
Duration: 15:50
Video: 1024x576, AVC (H.264), 3375kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 399.3 MB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: Brian Harper - Faster Deeper Harder

JockBreeders - Chad Porter and Travis Stevens Guanajuato

Release Year: 2023
Studio: JockBreeders
Cast: Chad Porter , Travis Stevens
Genres: Age, Bareback, Anal Sex, Big Dicks, Twinks, Oral Sex, Blowjobs
Ever since he caught a glimpse of studly Chad Porter’s cock in the locker room, it’s all that insatiable jock-bottom Travis Stevens can think about lately. So what do two constantly horny studs do about that? Easy—they fuck each other’s brains out!
Travis is sculpted like a Greco-Roman statue, and his perfect bubble butt of an ass is just as hard…and tight. Chad pounds the absolute daylights out of Travis, who rockets a massive amount of cum all over the bed sheets!
Format: mp4
Duration: 14:41
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 5421kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 599.5 MB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: JockBreeders - Chad Porter and Travis Stevens

Helix - Eli Bennet Solo Session Cullom

Release Year: 2020
Studio: Helix
Cast: Eli Bennet
Genres: Cumshot, Masturbation, Twinks
At just 18, new boy on the block, Eli Bennet is fresh out of the gate, and raring to go! Interviewed by superstar Trevor Harris, the green eyed, raven haired hottie powers through some adorable nervousness to share the story about his first time in the backseat of a car in a parking garage! He also shares his fantasy about being walked in on, and how it feels to film an orgy on camera. The sizzling stories get Harris hot, and he has the naughty newbie strip down to his drawers.
The tight bodied twink takes his time caressing chiseled abs and a growing hard on beneath red hot underwear. Trevor cops a feel before Eli sheds his shorts to reveal a rock hard rager! He and Trevor take turns tugging the thick dick before Harris suggests he flip over. The delicious director cups that perfect can, smacks him on the ass, then checks his oil, making Eli writhe in . He flips back over stiff as a board and the two twink’s work his home entertainment center in tandem as Bennet spreads his legs wide so Trevor can tickle his prostate deep.
Once our cock conductor steps back, Eli takes matters into his own hands, working his cock and hole at 100. Trevor takes over when the new boy is about to bust. Fresh cream spurts out, careening down Eli’s cock to cover his barely there happy trail as he gives us one more look with those gorgeous green eyes.
Format: mp4
Duration: 17:02
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 4284kbps
Audio: 61kbps

File size: 542.7 MB

DOWNLOAD FROM FILESMONSTER: Helix - Eli Bennet Solo Session

Extrem Schwer Auf Draht Swarthmore

Release Year: 2010
Studio: be.me.fi Video
Cast: none available
Genres: Amateur, Twinks, Anal, Oral, Threesomes, Orgy Scene, Spanking
These guys like to infuse aspects of intimate fetish tools into their erotic and exotic sexual interactions! Cum see the fetish fueled and intense action a group of guys all have some fun with bondage, restraints, and implements of sensual pain and punishment which is all incorporated for your viewing enjoyment!
Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:24:01
Video: 480x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1220kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 792.3 MB

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